Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Here I am.. sitting in front of my Mac on a Wednesday morning. It's just another day in the office. Sometimes I just wonder: "What am I doing here?"

Then again, what would I have done if I wasn't in the office. Hang out with the Boongs?


Anonymous said...

Could be worse. You could be sitting at work, on a wednesday morning, posting comments to a blog

budonkadonka said...

It's good to see 'Boongs' got the capital 'B' that they deserve.

str8bakatya said...

Here I am, an Aboriginal person, sitting at my Mac, thinking that there is nothing worse than a fat person calling another fat person 'fat', and that there is nothing worse than a BLACK person acting racist towards another black person.
Surely you've suffered racism too? Do you like it? Because with comments like that you certainly deserve it.