Thursday, February 8, 2007

Work ethics...

I was called a brown-nose the other day... For those who doesn't know what it is, it means:

1) ... someone who sucks up to someone to gain their favor. This is done by doing stuff for them for no apparent reason, laughing at stuff they do that wasn't suppose to be funny, agreeing with everything they say, etc...

2)... also known as the TEACHER'S PET or ASS KISSER.

3)... that you really have a brown nose... like an aboriginal.
This is me working in front of my MAC.


Unknown said...

you forgot something else brown nose. Maybe its also because you have soooo much shytt, its oozing outta everywhere, including your nose.

budonkadonka said...

Yeah what ever, try hard samurai-ninja. You are probably white and fat... Fuck you!

Anonymous said...

How true.